New Releases

Streamlined Live Demo Access

We’re excited to unveil a new layer of flexibility and control for your live demo experiences. Understanding that every host has unique preferences for managing audience flow, we’re introducing two distinct access options for your live demonstrations:

1. Controlled Access: Queue Everyone
This feature empowers booth hosts with full control over audience entry. Opt for the “Queue Everyone” setting to hand-pick when people join your live demo, ensuring a curated experience every time.

2. Free-Flowing Access: Queue Only When Full
Embrace spontaneity with our latest addition – the “Queue Only When Full” option. This setting allows attendees to bypass the waiting queue and join your live demo instantly, provided there’s available space in the booth. It’s perfect for fostering an inclusive, dynamic interaction without the barriers of wait times.

Choose the approach that best suits your event’s vibe and audience engagement strategy. Whether you prefer the meticulous control of “Queue Everyone” or the open, welcoming nature of “Queue Only When Full,” your live demos are now more adaptable than ever.

Elevate Engagement with Our New Asynchronous Q&A Feature

We are thrilled to announce an exciting enhancement to your booth experience: the addition of an asynchronous (async) Q&A area, now standard with every booth. This new feature revolutionizes how participants interact, offering a dynamic platform for questions and discussions at any time.

Continuous Engagement: With the async Q&A area, engagement is not limited by time. Participants can now dive into discussions, ask questions, and share insights before, during, and after the event, ensuring the conversation never misses a beat. 

Enhanced Interaction: This inclusive feature opens up new avenues for interaction, allowing users to engage with content and peers on their own schedule. Whether it’s building anticipation before the event, keeping the momentum going during it, or continuing the dialogue afterwards, the async Q&A area ensures that every voice can be heard, anytime.

Embrace the power of continuous conversation and unlock a new level of engagement at your next event with our asynchronous Q&A feature.

Discussion section available in every booth

Guest Keynote Presenters: Elevate Your Event with External Expertise

We’re excited to announce a game-changing update that will significantly enhance the impact and diversity of your events: the Guest Speaker option for keynote presentations.

Empower Your Presentations: Traditionally, keynote presentations have been a highlight of events, offering scheduled, large-scale sessions that captivate all attendees simultaneously. However, the scope of these presentations was previously limited to internal voices within your organization.

Breaking Boundaries with Guest Speakers: Now, with the introduction of the Guest Speaker option, we’re breaking down those barriers. This innovative feature allows you to invite esteemed experts and thought leaders from outside your company to contribute their insights and expertise to your event’s keynote sessions.

Security and Confidentiality Maintained: We understand the importance of confidentiality and the sensitivity of information shared during your events. The Guest Speaker option is designed with security in mind, ensuring that while these external presenters can illuminate your keynote sessions with their knowledge, they are not granted access to other parts of the event. This preserves the integrity and confidentiality of customer information shared in other booths and keynotes.

Elevate your next event by harnessing the wealth of knowledge and perspective that Guest Keynote Presenters can bring. Expand your event’s horizons, enrich attendee experience, and maintain the utmost security and confidentiality, all with this latest feature

Enhance Your Events with Call Recording and Transcription Features

We’re thrilled to introduce two powerful new features designed to maximize the value and accessibility of your events: Call Recording and Live Captioning.

Extended Call Recording for Booth Live Demos and Keynotes: Booths hosts now have the flexibility to record their sessions, capturing every insightful moment of Booth Live Demos and Keynotes. With the ability to record up to 3 hours, you can ensure that no key information is missed, making it easier for attendees to revisit and absorb the content at their own pace.

Live Captioning for Inclusive Engagement: In our commitment to making events more accessible and inclusive, we’re excited to offer live captioning. This feature empowers all attendees to engage more fully with the event, regardless of hearing ability or language proficiency. By enabling live captions, participants can follow along with the spoken content in real-time, enhancing understanding and participation.

These enhancements are designed to not only enrich the event experience but also to provide valuable resources for attendees to engage with both during and after your events. Whether it’s through revisiting recorded sessions for missed details or utilizing live captions for a more inclusive experience, these features ensure that your events are more impactful and accessible to everyone.

Enhanced User Profiles: Connect and Explore Like Never Before

We’re excited to unveil the latest enhancement to our platform: Enhanced User Profiles. This new feature is designed to deepen connections and broaden horizons, transforming how attendees interact and discover content at our events.

Showcase Your Involvement: With the upgraded user profiles, participants can now prominently display their associated booths or keynotes. This addition serves as a dynamic billboard of each attendee’s interests, expertise, and active contributions to the event.

Discover and Connect: Enhanced User Profiles open up a whole new world of networking opportunities. Attendees can easily explore profiles to find individuals with shared interests or expertise, fostering meaningful connections. This feature also allows participants to discover new topics and sessions they might not have found otherwise, enriching their event experience with every click.

A Gateway to New Experiences: Whether you’re looking to network, collaborate, or simply explore new ideas, Enhanced User Profiles make it easier than ever. This innovation is more than just an update; it’s a new way to meet people, dive into fresh topics, and maximize the value of your event participation.

Enhanced User Profiles